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The environmental monitoring industry has a market of 74 billion yuan to be opened! Monitoring and governance have become the "pillar" of the ecological environment

[Introduction] Both the rigid environmental needs and the objective demands for environmental management require the environmental protection system to accelerate the construction of a scientific and advanced environmental monitoring system, give full play to the supporting role of environmental monitoring in environmental management and scientific decision-making, and provide monitoring data products that are more abundant, scientific, accurate and timely.

Environmental monitoring data is the lifeline of environmental monitoring work. Today, my country's ecological environment monitoring work has made positive progress, but it should also be noted that there are still some outstanding problems in ecological environment monitoring, especially in monitoring quality, which need to be solved urgently. For example, the falsification of monitoring data by pollutant-discharging units continues despite repeated prohibitions, the service levels of social environmental monitoring institutions vary greatly, and improper interference in environmental monitoring in some places occurs from time to time.

Favorable policies promote industry demand

In recent years, the government has continuously increased its support for the ecological environment monitoring industry. In November 2016, the Ministry of Environmental Protection issued the "13th Five-Year Plan for Environmental Monitoring Quality Management Work Plan" and the "Work Plan for Strengthening the Quality Management of Ambient Air Automatic Monitoring", which provide a basic guideline for environmental monitoring quality management during the 13th Five-Year Plan period.

On August 10, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the "Three-Year Action Plan for Supervision and Inspection of Ecological Environment Monitoring Quality (2018-2020)", which will use three years to comprehensively supervise and inspect three types of entities: ecological environment monitoring institutions, pollutant discharge units, and operation and maintenance institutions. The goal is to basically achieve a sound ecological environment monitoring data quality assurance responsibility system by 2020, effectively curb the problem of falsification of monitoring data, ensure that ecological environment monitoring institutions and personnel carry out their work independently and impartially, strive to create an environment and atmosphere for legal, scientific, and honest monitoring, and ensure that monitoring data is true, accurate, and objective.

Both the rigid environmental needs and the objective demands for environmental management require the environmental protection system to accelerate the construction of a scientific and advanced environmental monitoring system, give full play to the supporting role of environmental monitoring in environmental management and scientific decision-making, and provide monitoring data products that are more abundant, scientific, accurate and timely.

Industry sales scale continues to grow

According to data from the National Environmental Monitoring Center, the sales of the monitoring industry increased from 10.8 billion in 2011 to 22.7 billion in 2015, with a compound annual growth rate of about 16%. It is expected that during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the industry will maintain a growth rate of 25%. By 2020, the market size of the environmental monitoring industry will reach 74 billion yuan, with an annual increase of 9 billion yuan.

In order to understand the development status of the environmental monitoring instrument industry, the Environmental Monitoring Instrument Professional Committee of the China Environmental Protection Industry Association has statistically analyzed the development status of the environmental monitoring instrument industry in 2017 through the self-entry of enterprises. A total of 61 enterprises participated in this survey, which is consistent with the number of enterprises participating in the survey in 2016 (61). Among them, there are 55 state-owned enterprises, accounting for about 90% of the total number of statistics; there are 6 foreign-funded enterprises, accounting for about 10% of the total number of statistics.

According to statistics, in 2017, my country sold a total of 56,575 sets of various environmental monitoring products, an increase of 38.5% over 2016 (see figure). This fully reflects that with the introduction of the "13th Five-Year Plan" environmental protection plan and under the guidance of various new environmental protection policies, the market of the environmental monitoring instrument industry has developed steadily. Among the five major categories of products involved in the survey, except for sampler equipment, the sales volume of the other four categories of products has increased significantly compared with 2016. Among them,

A total of 18,486 units of smoke and flue gas monitoring equipment were sold, a year-on-year increase of 22.7%

A total of 7,162 units of ambient air monitoring equipment were sold, a year-on-year increase of 55.3%.

A total of 19,345 units of water quality monitoring equipment were sold, an increase of 86.3% year-on-year

A total of 9,511 data acquisition devices were sold, a year-on-year increase of 53.6%.


Under the guidance of the National Urban Drinking Water Source Environmental Protection Plan (2008-2020), which repeatedly emphasizes the need to improve the monitoring capabilities of urban drinking water sources, drinking water source monitoring will become a key measure for water pollution prevention and control in the future. At the same time, with the acceleration of my country's urbanization, the water quality requirements of cities for landscape rivers will continue to increase in the future. Therefore, there will be a broad market space for the replacement of water quality monitoring equipment.

New mainstream of environmental monitoring industry development

2017 is the final year of the Air Pollution Action Plan, and local governments have embarked on the road of precise haze control. Grid-based hierarchical management, because of its precision and scientific nature, can effectively improve the efficiency of haze control, provide data and technical support for environmental supervision, and has become the new mainstream of precise haze control. There have also been major breakthroughs in project model innovation.

According to incomplete statistics, the largest sources of sales in the monitoring industry are East China and South China, accounting for 32.4% and 24.8% respectively. This is mainly because East China and South China are important industrial areas, which have a large demand for monitoring equipment. Secondly, East China and South China are economically developed regions, and the government's financial investment in monitoring is also greater.

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