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How can original manufacturers break the siege of “copycat products”?

We are all in the instrument circle, so who wouldn’t “copy” from each other ?

There are not so many original works. We just borrow from their products!

Why can they make big money? Can't we just follow them and get a share of the profits?


Do these words sound familiar to us? After an original product is launched and sells well, a large number of latecomers will soon follow, some wanting to "catch up", but most just want to play a marginal ball and make a living! Many people think so!

But the trouble for the original manufacturers is that many orders have been almost negotiated, and some unwilling dealers will rush to sell knockoff products at a low price! In some areas where they have weak control, users have weak brand awareness, and the results from online searches are mixed. If users buy knockoff products, they may not be able to use them, which will have a negative impact on the original manufacturers' next business expansion.


So, what should we do?



The manufacturer, who was so angry, took the other party to court, but what could they do? For the original manufacturer, things that are easy to judge become difficult in court. The judge needs to have a comprehensive understanding of the industry and examine each patent point one by one. As long as the patent is not identical or has innovations on the original basis, the judgment result will often be pessimistic, wasting manpower, material resources, financial resources and time costs, but the result is not satisfactory.


Unable to win the lawsuit and unable to express his anger, the original manufacturer is really furious!



In fact, this is how we, Jinan Shengtai, have come all the way! The intelligent integrated distiller is an industry original product that we created from scratch in 2009. Today, from a Baidu search, there are already dozens of manufacturers promoting similar products, and the quality is uneven.



 We went through a long mental journey from being so angry that we would report every copycat to being able to take it easy later on.


China's national conditions are like this, and the huge differences in consumption levels provide living space for products of all levels! Therefore, I prefer to say that China is a country with strong tolerance.


Competition among any product will eventually come down to a competition of comprehensive strength! Just like the "Audi" and "Alto" in the automotive industry, they are both sofas with four wheels, but their prices are worlds apart. To this day, Audis are still running all over the streets, but Alto has disappeared from the public's view.

As an original manufacturer, I would like to share three opinions on the harassment of counterfeit products. I hope you can correct me:

First of all, it is a question of product attitude. We are the original product manufacturer. Our products are our hard work, and we even treat them like our children. We will spend more energy and time to perfect and polish them, and pursue excellence in products! User satisfaction will also be higher and higher! Most of the latecomers like to emphasize: short, flat and fast! They will leave when they make a quick buck, do it when it is easy to do, and withdraw when it is not easy to do. There is no such thing as after-sales service or product upgrades. In the end, users pay the bill and learn a lesson!

Secondly, the profit margin supports the further development of the enterprise. The original manufacturer has the right to set prices! Our pricing leaves us a relatively stable profit margin! These profits include our R&D reinvestment costs, after-sales service, enterprise development funds, etc., which can support our sustainable development;

Third, guide healthy competition in the industry. If we have created a new category, it is exclusive and original. In this subdivided category, we should pursue letting a hundred flowers bloom, allow competing products to enter, guide healthy competition, form a multi-level product ecosystem, serve the market, research and formulate industry standards, and regulate market access in an orderly manner.

Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our country has advocated accelerating the construction of an "innovative country". As an instrument industry, I hope that everyone can take the initiative to participate in the development of original products to justify the rise of domestic instruments! I also sincerely hope that the "latecomers" in the industry will not completely copy and paste, abandon the zero-sum thinking, and use their energy to innovate and expand on the basis of original products, and strive to be better and stronger than the former! Only a good competitive mentality between enterprises can promote the healthy and long-term development of an industry.



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