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Focusing on the green effect evaluation and testing instrument market, two ministries require the establishment of a green technology innovation system within three years

[Introduction] Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly issued guiding opinions on building a market-oriented green technology innovation system. They will carry out green technology effect evaluation and verification work and a green product certification system, and actively carry out third-party certification. The market demand for instruments involved in various mandatory testing standards is expected to further expand.

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Building a Market-oriented Green Technology Innovation System (NDRC Huanzi [2019] No. 689). The guiding opinions indicate that by 2022, a market-oriented green technology innovation system will be basically established. The guiding opinions clearly state that the leading role of enterprises in green technology innovation will be strengthened, and the "10, 100, 1000" action plan for green technology innovation will be launched to cultivate 10 leading green technology innovation enterprises with an annual output value of more than 50 billion yuan, support 100 enterprises to create national green enterprise technology centers, and identify 1,000 green technology innovation enterprises.

The guiding opinions mentioned that they will focus on key common technologies, cutting-edge leading technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technological innovations in key areas such as energy conservation and environmental protection, clean production, clean energy, ecological protection and restoration, urban and rural green infrastructure, urban green development, and ecological agriculture. We will benchmark against international advanced levels, and through national science and technology plans, we will plan a number of R&D projects in a forward-looking, systematic, and strategic manner to break through the technical bottlenecks of key materials, instruments and equipment, core processes, and industrial control devices, and effectively enhance original innovation capabilities.

The Guiding Opinions will formulate a number of green technology standards in key areas such as ecological environmental pollution prevention and control, resource conservation and recycling, urban green development, new energy, energy consumption and pollutant coordinated control technology, clarify the key performance and technical indicators of green technology, and carry out green technology effect evaluation and verification. Mandatory standards such as product energy efficiency, water efficiency, energy consumption limit, carbon emissions, and pollutant emissions will be improved in accordance with the law, and mandatory standards will be evaluated regularly. A unified green product certification system will be promoted to carry out green certification of the entire product life cycle and the entire industrial chain from design, materials, manufacturing, consumption, logistics, recycling, and reuse for major products such as household appliances, automobiles, and building materials based on green technology standards. Actively carry out third-party certification, strengthen the acceptance of certification results, and promote certification bodies to assume joint and several liability for certification results. The market demand for testing instruments involved in mandatory standards such as energy efficiency, water efficiency, energy consumption limit, carbon emissions, and pollutant emissions is expected to further expand.


icon_doc.gif National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Science and Technology's Guiding Opinions on Building a Market-Oriented Green Technology Innovation System.docx

icon_doc.gif Roadmap timetable for building a market-oriented green technology innovation system.docx

[Source: Instrument Information Network] Editor: Fu Ye

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