keywords: the new laboratory analytical instruments, intelligent pre-processing equipment

    current position:Homenews
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      Forty years of wind and rain - China Instrument Society Analytical Instruments Branch of the 40th anniversary commemo...

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      Ministry of Health in conjunction with the health committee issued "significant Drug Discovery" special achievement n...

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      110 million! Environmental monitoring agency in Hebei bidding hundred sets of equipment

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      State Key Laboratory of Food and Drug Administration identified the first batch of a total of 45

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      2019 sample pre-treatment Shandong Province Technology Innovation Conference

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      1023万!北京食品检验所试剂及耗材采购大单曝光 多项拒绝进口

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      Inhumanity among peers what a hurry, malicious competition means no good!

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      American "containment" How much influence on Chinese manufacturing? Official response to the

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      Focus on green impact assessment testing equipment market requires the establishment of two ministries of green techn...

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      Shandong instrument company CEO style show

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      2018 the first batch of new scientific instruments outstanding finalists: life science instruments, etc.

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      The Divine Comedy popular instrument circle "Desert Camel" adaptation of "smart distillation" on the line!

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