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China National Environmental Monitoring Center is recruiting 9 monitoring data management/audit project undertakers

[Introduction] The environmental monitoring service industry is no longer limited to traditional sample collection, sample testing and instrument operation and maintenance, but will involve more aspects such as data mutual review and data mining.

The quality of environmental monitoring data is the lifeline of environmental protection work. For this reason, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have specially issued the "Opinions on Deepening Environmental Monitoring Reform and Improving the Quality of Environmental Monitoring Data". The China National Environmental Monitoring Center is the main management unit of my country's environmental monitoring data and undertakes a number of data management tasks in my country. In order to improve the work system, improve work efficiency, and strengthen data quality control, the China National Environmental Monitoring Center recently released 9 data management projects.

One project is to develop intelligent data audit technology for the national air monitoring network. Three projects are data audits, namely VOCs monitoring in key areas, data audit of the national atmospheric particulate matter composition network, and quality control inspection of the national atmospheric particulate matter composition network. Four projects are data collection system studies, namely the survey method of non-key survey units of industrial sources, the quarterly direct reporting system of key national monitoring enterprises, the screening research of key survey units of environmental statistics, and the environmental management system of fixed pollution sources. One project is a data disclosure system study, namely the inspection of the disclosure of pollution source monitoring information. (See the table below for details)

It can be seen from these projects that my country's environmental monitoring data management involves all aspects such as quality control, collection, review and disclosure, which requires not only institutional and technical guarantees, but also the participation of a large number of professional and technical personnel.

In addition to scientific research institutions, most of the units responsible for environmental monitoring data management are third-party environmental testing companies, so they can be classified as environmental services. With the standardization of environmental monitoring data quality management by the state, the environmental monitoring service industry is no longer limited to traditional sample collection, sample testing and instrument operation and maintenance, but will involve more data mutual review, data mining and other aspects.

Serial number

Project Name

Project Requirements



China National Environmental Monitoring Center National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Data Credibility Analysis Service Project

( 1 ) Based on multi-source data such as multi-source satellite remote sensing data, ground data, meteorological - pollution numerical model data, etc., and using high-tech technologies such as big data fusion technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, the national gridded air pollutant concentration data are inverted to construct a national high-temporal and spatial resolution pollutant gridded data set.

( 2 ) Establish a set of abnormal data diagnosis models for air quality monitoring and conduct model construction and verification. The model set can cover a variety of abnormal data diagnosis mechanisms and provide abnormal data diagnosis solutions at different time and space scales. It includes multi-source big data fusion technology models based on satellites, ground stations, and numerical models, as well as other types of statistical models. Through the complementarity of various abnormal data diagnosis models, the purpose of screening abnormal data and continuously improving data quality can be achieved.

( 3 ) Comprehensively use various abnormal data diagnosis models to conduct credibility analysis of air quality monitoring data, establish a routine reporting system for data credibility analysis, compile weekly, monthly, and annual reports on national and key regional data credibility analysis, and conduct special analysis of monitoring data quality in key areas and key time periods. Apply the results of abnormal data diagnosis models to the review and verification of monitoring data, providing automated and intelligent reference for data review and verification.

950,000 yuan


National key area VOCs monitoring data review and data analysis commissioned business

( 1 ) Data review: Review the manual monitoring data of VOCs in ambient air in key areas across the country , promptly provide feedback to the client on any problems, and cooperate with the client to carry out related work.

( 2 ) Manual monitoring and analysis report of VOCs in ambient air of key areas : including tank sampling analysis report and aldehyde and ketone analysis report. One report is prepared every month during the monitoring period.

( 3 ) Automatic monitoring and analysis report on VOCs in ambient air in key areas: A report will be prepared every month during the monitoring period based on the automatic VOCs monitoring data in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou .

( 4 ) Other ad hoc report preparation tasks.

516,000 yuan


Study on the survey and estimation methods of non-key survey units of industrial sources of environmental statistics

1. Analyze and evaluate the current methods for estimating the total amount of non-key survey units of industrial sources

Based on the second pollution census database and the environmental statistics database of the same year, key pollution emission indicators were selected, and the pollutant emission characteristics of industrial enterprises were analyzed by region and industry, and the effectiveness of the current environmental statistics industrial source non-key survey unit total amount estimation method was evaluated.

2. Research and propose technical methods for non-key survey and estimation of industrial sources of environmental statistics

Based on the above analysis results and in accordance with statistical survey theory, we compare and analyze the rationality of various methods, connect with the ongoing research content on the screening principles of key environmental statistical survey units, and propose non-key environmental statistical survey and estimation methods that can adapt to the new situation and better reflect the emission characteristics of industrial pollution sources.

3. Study and propose a plan for non-key survey and estimation of industrial sources of environmental statistics

Based on the above-mentioned technical route, combined with the progress of key tasks of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment such as pollution prevention and control, pollutant discharge permits, and the list of key pollutant discharge units, we put forward principles and specific plans for the screening of key environmental statistical survey units.

160,000 yuan


Study on the Direct Reporting System of Environmental Statistics Quarterly

1. Analyze and sort out the current direct reporting of quarterly reports of key national monitoring enterprises

The investigation sorts out the problems, difficulties and challenges in the system design, work implementation and data usage of the current quarterly direct reporting work, analyzes the causes and puts forward specific suggestions.

2. Research and propose a quarterly direct reporting system

Analyze the characteristics and advantages of quarterly direct reporting, and clarify the future work positioning of quarterly direct reporting based on the new situation of environmental management; focus on environmental management needs, based on the second pollution census and environmental statistics, and combined with relevant fixed source management systems such as pollutant discharge permits and key pollutant discharge unit management, highlight the timeliness requirements of quarterly reports, and research and propose a practical quarterly direct reporting system, clarify the scope of investigation, investigation objects, investigation indicators and accounting methods.

80,000 Yuan


Study on the Selection of Key Survey Units for Environmental Statistics

1. Analyze and evaluate the historical key survey system of environmental statistics

This paper reviews the key survey system implemented in environmental statistics in the past, especially the principles for selecting and determining key survey objects, analyzes its shortcomings and advantages in supporting ecological environmental protection management decision-making, and puts forward specific suggestions for its improvement.

2. Research and formulate key survey categories and technical routes for environmental statistics under the new situation

Based on the above analysis and improvement suggestions, combined with a comprehensive analysis of the results of the second pollution census, including various analyses of the directory database, pollutant production and emission at the regional and industry levels, we will study and determine the key scope of environmental statistical investigations under the new situation of ecological and environmental protection, and formulate a technical route for key environmental statistical investigations.

3. Study and formulate the selection principles and specific plans for key environmental statistical survey units

Based on the above-mentioned technical route, combined with the progress of key tasks of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment such as pollution prevention and control, pollutant discharge permits, and the list of key pollutant discharge units, we put forward principles and specific plans for the screening of key environmental statistical survey units.

160,000 yuan


2019 National Key Pollution Source Monitoring and Information Disclosure Inspection Service Project

By conducting online inspections on the supervisory monitoring of key pollution sources in various provinces, the construction of information platforms for enterprises’ self-monitoring, and the disclosure of information, we summarize and sort out the problems existing in the supervisory monitoring of key pollution sources in various provinces and the disclosure of information on enterprises’ self-monitoring, and provide technical support for the in-depth promotion of the disclosure of pollution source monitoring information.

475,000 yuan


Study on the Environmental Management System of Stationary Pollution Sources

1 ) Review relevant literature on environmental management of pollution sources at home and abroad, sort out the environmental management systems of fixed pollution sources including environmental impact assessment, permit, acceptance monitoring, and post-permit supervision in the United States, the European Union and other countries, and study the correlation, connection method, implementation subject, object and implementation effect among the systems.

2 ) Investigate the current status of environmental management of stationary pollution sources in China, analyze the implementation effects of in-process and post-process supervision systems such as project environmental impact assessment, acceptance, and licensing, identify key issues in the connection between the two important pollution source management systems of environmental impact assessment and licensing, and study solutions.

3 ) From the perspective of integrating China’s pollution source supervision system with pollutant discharge permits, practical policy recommendations are put forward for the management of China’s stationary pollution sources during the 14th Five-Year Plan period.

300,000 yuan


National atmospheric particulate matter component network operation - component network data review

The audit work for the manual monitoring data of 49 points and the automatic monitoring data of 38 points of the National Atmospheric Particulate Matter Component Network (hereinafter referred to as the "Component Network") was carried out to determine the validity of the monitoring data and provide audit results and corresponding audit reports. By carrying out systematic and scientific data audits, the quality of the component network data was enhanced and scientific data was provided for the analysis of the causes of pollution in key areas.

408,200 yuan


Operation of the National Atmospheric Particulate Matter Composition Network - Quality Control Checks for Manual and Automatic Monitoring of Compositions

We provide on-site inspections for manual monitoring sampling and testing of 49 points in the group network and automatic monitoring and maintenance of 38 points. Through regular systematic and standardized quality control inspections, we provide technical services such as evaluating the operation of the monitoring network, troubleshooting issues that affect data quality, supervising the data quality of each site, and guiding sites to solve related issues that affect data quality.

970,000 yuan

[Source: Instrument Information Network] Editor: Li Xuelei

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