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China has initially established a national standard system for food safety

Food safety standards are the only mandatory food standards in my country and are an important technical basis for food safety supervision. Strengthening food safety supervision is related to the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the masses. So far, my country has initially established a national food safety standard system that covers everything from farmland to table and is in line with international standards.

"my country has issued 1,366 national food safety standards, including four categories: general standards, product standards, production specification standards, and inspection method standards. These four categories of standards are organically connected and complementary, and control different food safety risks from different angles, covering the main food categories and major health hazards consumed by Chinese residents, laying a good foundation for food safety standards during the 14th Five-Year Plan period." Zhu Lei, director of the Standards Office 1 of the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center, said.

Strengthen top-level design

In order to achieve the goal of "making my country's food safety standards among the best in the world by 2035", Zhu Lei said that four aspects of work will be focused on during the 14th Five-Year Plan period.

First, strengthen the top-level design of food safety standard planning. By formulating the most rigorous standards, we will improve the food safety risk control capabilities from farmland to table, and enhance the quality and safety assurance level of the entire food chain.

Second, thoroughly implement the principle of food safety risk analysis. The formulation of food safety standards should be based on the results of risk assessment, using my country's dietary exposure and food contamination data, and after scientific evaluation and considering the social and economic impact of the standards, further play the role of the food safety risk monitoring network, as well as the basic role of food consumption surveys and total dietary research data, improve risk assessment technology, and provide scientific support for the formulation of food safety standards.

Third, systematically carry out the evaluation of the food safety standard system. Carry out follow-up evaluation of existing standards, conduct systematic evaluation of various standards from the three aspects of scientificity, rationality and feasibility, timely discover existing problems and adjust and improve them. On this basis, establish a scientific and objective standard evaluation index system, and the evaluation standards play a role in protecting consumer health, promoting industry development, and influencing international food trade.

Through the cost-benefit analysis model, understand the relationship between the social and economic benefits such as health protection and industrial development obtained after the implementation of the standard and the cost of implementing the standard.

Fourth, participate in global food safety governance activities. Give full play to my country's role as the host country of two Codex Alimentarius Commissions and contribute Chinese wisdom and experience to global food safety governance activities. Improve my country's mechanism for sharing basic food safety data with the outside world and strengthen its leadership and participation in international standards.

Perform China's duties as the Asian regional coordinator of the Codex Alimentarius, carry out in-depth cooperation with relevant international organizations such as the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and promote food safety capacity building and standard coordination in Asian countries.

Limit management of major pathogens and contaminants

Pathogens and contaminants (mycotoxins) in food pose a great threat to consumer health. my country has formulated the "National Food Safety Standard for Limits of Pathogenic Bacteria in Food", "National Food Safety Standard for Limits of Mycotoxins in Food" and "National Food Safety Standard for Limits of Contaminants in Food" to manage the main pathogenic bacteria and contaminants in food.

According to statistics, the number of reported cases of foodborne diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria in my country each year accounts for nearly half of all reported cases.

Wang Jun, director of the second standard office of the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center, said that the Food Safety Law stipulates that food safety standards should set limits on pathogenic microorganisms, pesticide residues, veterinary drug residues, heavy metals, pollutants and other substances that endanger human health in food. my country's pathogenic bacteria limit standards were implemented in 2014. The standards set limits on five pathogenic bacteria, including Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus, in 11 types of food, including meat products, aquatic products, ready-to-eat egg products, and grain products.

Contaminants are those produced in the whole process of food production (including crop planting, animal breeding and veterinary medicine), processing, packaging, storage, transportation, sales, and consumption, or brought into food due to environmental pollution, with special emphasis on chemical hazards that are not intentionally added.

Wang Jun said that my country's current mycotoxin limit standards and pollutant limit standards were both issued and implemented in 2017. The pollutant limits and mycotoxin limits stipulated in the two standards are calculated based on the general edible part of food unless otherwise specified.

"The edible part is the edible part of the food raw material obtained after the inedible part is removed by mechanical means. Here, mechanical means are emphasized, such as grain grinding, fruit peeling, nut shelling, meat bone removal, fish bone removal, etc., and no non-mechanical means should be used." Wang Jun said.

Wang Jun pointed out that the three standards are limit standards for the main pathogens and pollutants (mycotoxins) in foods that pose a high risk to the health of Chinese consumers. During the implementation process, for other pathogens and pollutants (mycotoxins) not covered by the standards, or other foods for which no limit requirements have been set, food production and processing operators should take appropriate measures during the processing process to reduce the content of pathogens and pollutants (mycotoxins) in food to the lowest possible level.

At the same time, while doing a good job in safety control of food production, processing and operation, it is necessary to do a good job in controlling food raw materials and reduce and control food contamination from the source of food.

The food additive standard system is relatively complete

“Any food additive that is not allowed for use in the ‘National Food Safety Standard Food Additives Usage Standard’ (GB2760) and the announcement of the National Health Commission is not a permitted food additive, such as the common Sudan red and melamine. According to my country’s food additive management scope, there are currently more than 2,300 types of food additives allowed for use, which are divided into 23 categories according to their functions. Spices account for a large proportion, with more than 1,800 types.” said Wang Huali, associate researcher at the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center.

"At present, everyone can buy a variety of foods in supermarkets, which is largely due to food additives. Without preservatives, many foods will spoil in a short time and cannot be transported over long distances, and there will be no rich and diverse food to choose from." Wang Huali said, "With antioxidants, foods such as oil, twisted dough sticks, and nuts will not have a rancid taste. Sweeteners, such as acesulfame potassium and aspartame, can meet the needs of diabetics for sweet foods."

Wang Huali said that my country has established a relatively complete national food safety standard system for food additives. The more than 600 national food safety standards for food additives in the system include food additive use standards, supporting product quality specification standards, testing method standards, labeling standards, and production specification standards, which can meet current regulatory and industry needs.

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