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The founding conference and signing ceremony of Shandong Inspection and Testing Alliance was held in Jinan

On December 27, 2019, the Shandong Inspection and Testing Alliance's inaugural meeting and signing ceremony were held in Jinan. Zhang Shihe, Director of the Accreditation and Inspection and Testing Supervision Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation, and Feng Hao, Deputy Director of the Certification and Accreditation Department of the Shandong Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, attended the meeting. More than 300 representatives from more than 200 alliance member units (including universities, research institutes, and enterprises) attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Ma Chuanfeng, Vice Chairman of the Shandong Analysis and Testing Association.

At the meeting, Liu Jianhua, chairman of the Shandong Analysis and Testing Association, the initiator of the alliance, introduced the background, purpose, structure and work direction of the alliance. "Like-minded inspection and testing units unite to advocate integrity and self-discipline, resist vicious competition, and maintain good order; give full play to the advantages of the expert team, carry out certification and accreditation consulting and training, improve the technical level of professionals, and enhance the standardization management capabilities of enterprises; investigate industry needs and become a bridge for communication between enterprises and government functional departments." Members of the alliance presidium, Shang Guangyong, deputy general manager of Shandong Inspur Quality Chain Technology Co., Ltd., and Wang Yang, director of the strategic marketing department of Thermo Fisher Scientific Group, delivered speeches respectively. .

Dr. Wang Yang said, "For many years, Thermo Fisher has worked hand in hand with the inspection and testing industry and has signed strategic cooperation agreements with Shandong Analysis and Testing Center, Shandong Urban Water Supply and Drainage Water Quality Monitoring Center, Shandong Food and Drug Research Institute, Shandong Yingsheng Biological, etc. I am very happy to see that our cooperation has deepened again. Thermo Fisher participated in the establishment of the Shandong Inspection and Testing Alliance as a co-sponsor. We will provide comprehensive solution services in laboratory construction and management, instrument selection and configuration, digital transformation and information management, efficient operation and maintenance, etc., to jointly promote the development of the third-party testing industry and make the world healthier, cleaner and safer."

Then, a signing ceremony was held, where Shi Xingang, Executive Vice Secretary General of Shandong Analysis and Testing Association, Liu Weiwei, Product Director of Shandong Inspur Quality Chain Technology Co., Ltd., and Ms. Lai Fangdong, Director of Strategic Account Department of Thermo Fisher Scientific (China) Co., Ltd., signed the strategic cooperation agreement. Shi Xingang, Executive Vice Secretary General of Shandong Analysis and Testing Association, the chairman unit of the alliance, announced the establishment of Shandong Inspection and Testing Alliance. In a warm atmosphere, Director Zhang Shihe of the Department of Accreditation and Inspection and Testing Supervision of the State Administration for Market Regulation delivered a speech. He congratulated the establishment of the alliance and affirmed the association's practice of joining forces with enterprises to keep warm, self-discipline, and industry self-discipline. Director Zhang introduced, analyzed, and interpreted the current situation, development trends, existing problems, and relevant national policies of my country's inspection and testing market, and put forward requirements and hopes. "After the establishment of the alliance, there are many things that can be done, such as consulting, training, joint research, and group standards. First of all, we must deeply understand and master national policies and be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. With service as the purpose and market as the orientation, we must clearly define our positioning and find the right direction. We must conduct in-depth investigations and research on enterprises, understand their needs, help them solve their doubts, and promote their development, especially focusing on small and micro enterprises. We must provide technical support for the quality chain and the inspection and testing market, and promote the application of "Internet +" in the entire inspection and testing industry chain. We must give full play to the platform role of industry associations and alliances, publicize policies and regulations, reflect the voices of enterprises, do a good job in big data analysis, and provide reliable information to the government. We must be proactive, innovative, and promote the development of the inspection and testing industry."

Afterwards, Ms. Chen Yanfeng, Senior Manager of Food Safety and Agriculture Market of Strategic Marketing Department of Thermo Fisher Scientific Group, gave a report entitled "Empowering and Increasing Efficiency, Working Together - Thermo Fisher Scientific Helps Third-Party Testing Laboratories to Develop Comprehensively", introducing Thermo Fisher Scientific's comprehensive solutions for hardware, software, information and data management, and laboratory after-sales services in the field of inspection and testing, which not only meet the current application needs of the laboratory, but also prepare for the future development of the laboratory.

I wish the Shandong Inspection and Testing Alliance a smooth work and fruitful results under the guidance of the Shandong Analysis and Testing Association.



Conference site


Ma Chuanfeng, Vice Chairman of Shandong Analysis and Testing Association, presided over the meeting


Liu Jianhua, Chairman of Shandong Analysis and Testing Association, introduced the alliance

赛默飞世尔科技集团战略市场部总监汪洋致辞.jpg Wang Yang, Director of Strategic Marketing Department of Thermo Fisher Scientific, delivered a speech



Shandong Inspection and Testing Alliance Establishment Conference Signing Ceremony

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