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The National Medical Products Administration has recognized a total of 45 key laboratories in the first batch

[Introduction] The State Food and Drug Administration has organized and completed the review of the first batch of key laboratories and identified 45 as the first batch of key laboratories of the State Food and Drug Administration.

In order to implement the tasks of the "13th Five-Year Plan" national drug safety plan and strengthen technical support for drug supervision, the State Drug Administration organized and completed the review of the first batch of key laboratories, and identified a total of 45 key laboratories of Chinese Medicine Quality Research and Evaluation of the China Food and Drug Inspection Institutes as the first batch of key laboratories of the State Drug Administration.

The competent departments of each key laboratory and the supporting units will conscientiously carry out organizational operation and management guarantee work in accordance with the relevant requirements of the key laboratories of the State Drug Administration.

List of the first batch of key laboratories of the State Drug Administration




[Source: Instrument Information Network] Editor: Wei Dongyu

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