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Forty years of ups and downs - the 40th anniversary celebration of the Analytical Instrument Branch of the Chinese Instrument Society was held in Shanghai

[Introduction] On August 7, 2019, before the 6th Annual Chinese Analytical Instrument Conference (ACAIC), the Council (Expanded) Meeting of the Analytical Instrument Branch of the Chinese Instrument Society and the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Branch were held in Shanghai.

Instrument Information Network News : On August 7, 2019, before the 6th Annual Conference of Chinese Analytical Instruments (ACAIC), the Council (Enlarged) Meeting of the Analytical Instrument Branch of the Chinese Instrument Society and the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Branch were held in Shanghai. Nearly 200 experts, scholars and manufacturers from all over the country participated in the event. Instrument Information Network reported on the event as a special media.


The 40th anniversary celebration of the Analytical Instruments Branch of the Chinese Instrument Society


Cao Yigang, Secretary General of the Analytical Instruments Branch of the Chinese Instrument Society, presided over the opening ceremony


Guan Yafeng, Chairman of the Analytical Instruments Branch of the Chinese Instrument Society, delivered a speech


Zhang Jian, Deputy Secretary General of China Instrument Society, delivered a speech


Wang Shunchang, former deputy director of the Department of Finance of the Ministry of Science and Technology, delivered a speech


Zeng Wei, Secretary General of the Analytical Instruments Branch of China Instrument Industry Association, delivered a speech


Zhang Lulu from the R&D Base and Management Office of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission delivered a speech


Yang Pengyu, deputy director of Beijing Scientific Instrument Equipment Cooperation Service Center, delivered a speech


Zhang Yanjun, Deputy General Manager of Tus-Caohejing (Zhongshan) Science and Technology Park, delivered a speech


Wu Aihua, Deputy Secretary General of Analytical Instruments Branch of China Instrument Society

Wu Aihua reported on the preparations for ACAIC2019 and the 40th Anniversary Celebration. The report introduced the previous ACAIC meetings, the preparations for this year's meeting, and the activities and highlights of this meeting.


Liu Changkuan, Executive Vice President of the Analytical Instruments Branch of the Chinese Instrument Society

2019 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Analytical Instruments Branch of the Chinese Instrument Society. Over the past 40 years, China's analytical instrument industry has undergone tremendous changes, and the Analytical Instruments Branch has continued to develop and explore. At the event, Liu Changkuan gave a report entitled "Review of the 40th Anniversary Development and Work Outlook of the Analytical Instruments Branch of the Chinese Instrument Society", which comprehensively reviewed the development of the Analytical Instruments Branch from its inception to today over the past 40 years, and looked forward to the future work priorities.


Xiao Lizhi, Professor of China University of Petroleum

As a representative of dozens of expert groups in the Analytical Instruments Branch, Professor Xiao Lizhi from the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Expert Group gave a report entitled "The History and Prospects of the Development of Low-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Scientific Instruments in my country", sharing the development of low-field nuclear magnetic resonance in my country.

After the report, Vice Chairman Liu Changkuan presided over the Zhu Liangyi Analytical Instrument Innovation Award ceremony. This time, 3 achievements and 5 young experts won the "Innovation Achievement Award" and "Youth Innovation Award" respectively. For detailed award information, see: 2019 "Zhu Liangyi Analytical Instrument Innovation Award" Announcement .

After the award ceremony, a release ceremony for "Review and Prospect of the Development of Analytical Instruments in my country" and a launching ceremony for the construction of the "China Scientific Instrument Museum" were held.


Unveiling Ceremony of "Review and Prospect of Analytical Instrument Development in my country"

2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of my country and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Analytical Instruments Branch. The Analytical Instruments Branch organized relevant experts and enterprises to jointly compile a review book as part of the commemorative activities. Taking this opportunity, we reviewed the development history of China's analytical instruments. In addition to commemorating the older generation of pioneers, it is more important to popularize the history of China's analytical instruments to newcomers in the industry, summarize historical gains and losses, learn from experience, broaden ideas, and promote the continued development of my country's analytical instruments.


Liu Chengyan, former president of Liaoning Institute of Analytical Sciences, delivered a speech


The opening ceremony of China Science Instrument Museum


Issuance of appointment letter to the Museum Construction Committee

The construction of the "China Scientific Instrument Museum" is also one of the commemorative activities for the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Analytical Instrument Branch. The purpose is to rescue, preserve and record the struggle and development history of Chinese scientific instrument people since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and to inspire generations of scientific instrument people to inherit the fine traditions and devote themselves to the development of China's scientific instrument industry. At the same time, the construction of the "museum" is an important means to promote the popularization of scientific instruments in society and form industry influence.

After the commemorative event, the event entered the award ceremony. Awards were presented to individuals, expert groups, and units that have supported the construction of the Analytical Instruments Branch over the years, thanking them for their contributions to the development of the Analytical Instruments Branch. The Instrument Information Network has always supported the development of the Analytical Instruments Branch and made due contributions to the development of the Society. Therefore, Ms. Tang Haixia, General Manager of the Instrument Information Network, received the Active Contribution Award.


Awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award for Information Construction


Academic Advancement Award


Excellent Organization Award


Active Contribution Award


Outstanding Contribution Award


Award of Major Contribution


Liu Changkuan won the Lifetime Achievement Award

    At the Zhongyi Eagle Night Dinner held at the end of the event, Suzhou Newmai Analytical Instruments Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yidian Scientific Instruments Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yiyao Instrument Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Anpu Laboratory Technology Co., Ltd. brought wonderful performances.

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Over the years, the Analytical Instruments Branch has given great support and help to the Instrument Information Network. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Analytical Instruments Branch, the Instrument Information Network also specially prepared gifts. We sincerely hope that the Analytical Instruments Branch of the Chinese Instrument Society will continue to grow and develop, play the leading and bridging role of the society, and lead the Chinese analytical instrument industry to march forward with its head held high and achieve immediate success.

[Source: Instrument Information Network] Editor: Zhao Yi

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