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Show off Jinan Shengtai Shuai Skr~'s "after-sales engineer"!

The editor interviewed a girl from a certain laboratory: Could you please tell us about your impression of the after-sales engineers of various manufacturers?

"Hey, I've met a lot of people who come to our lab. Some are polite, some are tall and handsome, but... many of them don't like to talk! When they get to the lab, they bury their heads in work, unlike those who work in sales, who are so enthusiastic when they come to the lab!..." (Little JIEJIE is still single, everyone looks handsome to her, hotline for flirting: 1388 8s...)


In fact, it's not all like this. In our Jinan Shengtai, there is a group of enthusiastic, sunny and handsome engineers. Who are they? Let's show them~

We strongly protest and demand:

Post photos!

Post photos!!

Post photos!!!

Well then! See the picture below~

Figure 1: Jinan Shengtai engineers install and debug the intelligent integrated distillation instrument at a county environmental monitoring station


Picture 2: The boy smiled brightly and was very happy taking a photo with little JIEJIE!


Figure 3: Writing limericks while working, not bad!


There are a few more on the way, please post them after taking pictures~

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