Environmental monitoring industry 74 billion market to be open! Monitoring governance is the ecological environment "pillar"

[REVIEW]   Environmental just need and objective environmental management needs, require environmental protection system, accelerate the establishment of scientific and advanced environmental monitoring system, give full play to support the role of environmental monitoring of environmental management and scientific decision-making, provide monitoring data products more abundant, scientific, accurate and timely.

Environmental monitoring data is the lifeblood of environmental monitoring. Today, the ecological environment monitoring China has made positive progress, but it should be noted, in particular, to monitor the ecological environment quality monitoring, there are still some outstanding issues to be resolved, for example, emissions monitoring data unit of repeated fraud, social and environmental monitoring agency services the level of good and bad, have occurred in some places undue interference environmental monitoring behavior.

Favorable policies to promote the industry needs

In recent years, Government has increased efforts to support the ecological environment monitoring industry. November 2016, the ministry issued the "Thirteen Five environmental monitoring quality management program" and "program on the strengthening of automatic monitoring of ambient air quality management work," provides basic environmental monitoring for the follow quality management Thirteen Five period.

August 10, the Ministry of Environment issued the ecological "ecological environment monitoring quality supervision and inspection of three-year action plan (2018 Year - 2020)", the overall ecological environment supervision and inspection monitoring mechanism within three years, sewage disposal units, operation and maintenance of three agencies main body. Target by 2020, the basic realization of a sound ecological environment monitoring data quality assurance responsibility system, effectively curb the monitoring data falsification issue, to ensure the ecological environment monitoring agencies and personnel independent and impartial work, and strive to create monitoring law, scientific monitoring, integrity monitoring of the environment and atmosphere to ensure monitoring of real, accurate, objective goals.

Environmental just need and objective environmental management needs, require environmental protection system, accelerate the establishment of scientific and advanced environmental monitoring system, give full play to support the role of environmental monitoring of environmental management and scientific decision-making, provide monitoring data products more abundant, scientific, accurate and timely.

Industry sales volume continues to grow

According to the National Environmental Monitoring Center, monitoring industry sales in 2011, up from 10.8 billion to 22.7 billion in 2015, the annual compound growth rate of about 16%. Is expected to "Thirteen Five" period, the industry maintained a growth rate of 25%, by 2020, environmental monitoring industry market size will reach 74 billion yuan, an annual increase market size of 90 billion yuan.

In order to understand the development of environmental monitoring equipment industry, the China Environmental Protection Industry Association of Professional Committee of environmental monitoring equipment by companies own entry way, statistical analysis of the 2017 development of environmental monitoring equipment industry. A total of 61 companies participated in this investigation, which is consistent with 2016 the number of firms participating in the survey (61). Among them, state-owned enterprises is 55, accounting for about 90% of the total number of statistics; foreign-funded enterprises is six, accounting for about 10% of the total statistics.

According to statistics, in 2017, China's total sales of all types of environmental monitoring products 56,575 Taiwan (sets), an increase of 38.5% in 2016 (see figure), which fully reflects With the introduction of "Thirteen Five" environmental planning, as well as in the under the guidance of new environmental policy, environmental monitoring equipment industry, the market has been developing steadily. In the five major categories of products involved in the investigation, in addition to sampling devices, sales of the remaining four categories of products than in 2016 increased significantly. among them,

Class of soot on monitoring equipment sold 18,486 units (sets), an increase of 22.7%

Class ambient air monitoring equipment sold 7162 units (sets), an increase of 55.3%

Water quality monitoring equipment sold 19,345 units (sets), an increase of 86.3%

Data collection devices were sold in 9511 (sets), an increase of 53.6%.

In the "National City drinking water sources Environmental Protection Plan (2008 - 2020)" repeatedly stressed the need to enhance the monitoring capacity under the guidance of urban drinking water sources, drinking water monitoring in the future will be the focus of water pollution control initiatives. Meanwhile, with the accelerated pace of urbanization in China, the city of the future landscape of the river water quality requirements will continue to increase, and therefore for the upgrading of water quality monitoring equipment, there will be a broad market space.

Environmental monitoring industry to develop new mainstream

Year 2017 is ending the atmospheric pollution action plan, local governments have embarked on a precise path of the haze rule. The grid management at different levels, because of its precision, science, can effectively improve work efficiency haze governance, providing data and technical support for environmental regulation, to become the new mainstream precise rule haze. In terms of innovation project mode, is also a great breakthrough.

According to incomplete statistics, monitoring industry sales make up the largest source of East China and South China, accounting for 32.4% and 24.8%. This is mainly due to the first east and south China is an important industrial area, for monitoring equipment itself needs to be more. Secondly, the South East is economically developed areas, for monitoring government financial investment is greater.


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